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Love Letter

I remember the first day i saw you, i remember having watched an old woman, moments before your arrival. She was sitting at a cafe, dressed in a beige dress, with lips that flamed as scarlet wine; reading a book by Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, while waiting for someone or something to happen, maybe waiting for a new baby bird to sing maybe just for a new war of hearts and feelings to raise.

One second later you were there, hands on your knees, out of breath. I felt an enormous joy inside me and a smile building itself on my face, and then, time stopped you looked at me. It was like those moments where something bad is about to happen, you feel the butterflies and you feel like you can watch yourself getting hurt. It was a the moment, the one I'll always remember, when i realized i couldn’t go back; and that from now on I would make everything and anything at my disposal to make you the most loved and happiest person on earth, and i know i wont always be able to follow my word but I promise, I will at least try.

You didn’t talk much you were as nervous or even more than me, we salutated each other awkwardly and went to buy a movie ticket, to go watch IT 2.

It was a hard day, i will never forget it, i will never forget your first intention of going to the beach and eat strawberries, it would have been a really good first date but what counts isn’t the place you are at but the experience you take from it, knowing how to appreciate little things is an art and it didn’t matter if it wasn’t like you wished it to be, because for me seeing you standing there, out of breath, and that shine on your eyes I had never seen before was everything I needed and had always dreamt of.

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